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Note Pad Set
Note Pad Set
Note Pad Set
Note Pad Set

Note Pad Set

Size: 141x201x32mm

Specification: 1 large note pad, 140x200mm, 80g 80sheets

1 medium note pad, 108x164mm, 80g 

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Note Pad Set


Notepad is one of the most popular text editors available, and it’s a great way to get more organized. Setting up a Notepad environment helps you keep track of tasks, projects, and other important items without cluttering up your desktop. Here are some tips on how to set up Notepad for maximum efficiency:

1. Create separate documents for different types of notes – Consider having one document for meeting notes, another for action items, another for ideas, etc. This will help you keep your thoughts organized and easily accessible.

2. Take advantage of the search feature – Notepad has an excellent search feature that allows you to quickly find specific items or notes within your documents. Take advantage of this feature to save time when searching through lengthy documents.

3. Utilize tabs – Instead of opening multiple windows, try using the tab feature in Notepad so that you can view multiple documents at once side-by-side. This can help when comparing two different sets of information or referencing notes from earlier in the day while taking new ones.

4. Use formatting tools – Notepad offers a variety of formatting options such as bolding, italicizing